Friday, June 19, 2009

I.F. Stone -- Izzy Remembered

The last time Izzy and I spoke was by happenstance when we were both on a bus from Bethesda, MD to Washington, DC. on our way to the Institute for Policy Studies where Izzy was to speak.

I had been an avid reader of his I.F. Stone Weekly during the 60's & 70's and realize that today, more than ever, we need journalists of his ilk---those that speak truth to power.

In an interview on the 20th anniversary of Stone's death, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews D.D. Guttenplan, author of American Radical: The Life and Times of I.F. Stone, a new biography of Stone.


"Twenty years ago today, I.F. Stone died at the age of eighty-one. He was the premier investigative reporter of the twentieth century, a self-described radical journalist. I.F. Stone's legacy of work spanned the New Deal, World War II, McCarthyism, the Cold War, Israel-Palestine, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and beyond. He scooped reporters right and left. As the FBI tracked him, he tracked down the story. He is best remembered for his self-published I.F. Stone's Weekly. At its peak in the 1960s, the one-man publication had a circulation of about 70,000. We speak to his biographer, D.D. Guttenplan, and air historic recordings of I.F. Stone at the 1965 Vietnam teach-in in Berkeley, CA, and on The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour."

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